Deformation Dilatometer

Deformation Dilatometer

General Information

Temprature range 20°C -1400°C
Arbitrary number of deformation steps
Maximum heating rate (solid specimen) 100 K/s or rather 50 K/s
Cooling medium - N2, Ar, He
Temperature measurement using up to 3 thermocouples and pyrometer (torsion)
Vacuum down to 5Exp-5 mbar

 DIL 805 A/DTTS 820ZTTS 820FTTS 820T
 Quenching/DeformationCylinder CompressionFlat CompressionTorsion
Sample size (mm)d=5 ; l=10d=5 ; l=10l=15 ; h=2-8 ; b=10d=6 ; lmax=30
max. def.rate. (mm/s)125100010001800 rpm
max. ε* (1/s)12,510010010
max. ε (-)1,21,2210
max. force (kN)2510010075
Δl-measurement methodLVDTLVDT/LaserLVDT/Laserincremental