Continuing education and student recruitment

Physics, Materials Science and Chemistry Student Council

The student council consists of all students of physics, materials science and chemistry at the TU Clausthal. The student council represents the interests of the students, and many students work in the student council and offer various services that make studying easier. Scripts, viewing queues, internship protocols and old exams can be obtained from the student council.

A student council meeting is held once a month, there are weekly service hours, and the student council organizes the monthly faculty regulars' table. More information can be found here.


Contact person

Name: Dr. rer. nat. habil. Jens Wendelstorf

Address: Institute of Metallurgy
TU Clausthal
Robert-Koch-Straße 42
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Room 001

Phone: +49 5323 72-22 81
