This project, funded by the BMWK, aims to develop a holistic approach for the metallurgy, simulation and design of ADI and ADI components. In particular, local chemical compositions and material properties for different component sizes are to be investigated and the simulation is to be improved to such an extent that the local microstructure after casting as well as the local cyclic stressability on the component can be estimated.

Duration: 01.06.2022 - 31.05.2025

Project partner:

Fraunhofer Institute LBF
Chair of Forming Technology and Foundry (utg) - TU Munich
ACTech GmbH
ADI Treatments Ltd
Buchholz & Cie. Giesserei GmbH
Foseco Nederland B.V.
Fondium B.V. & Co. KG
MAN Truck & Bus
Matplus GmbH
Walzengiesserei & Hartgusswerk Quedlinburg GmbH
Zanardi Fonderie S.p.a.

Responsible: Patrick Lachart